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Sebastian Blaes

Postdoctoral Researcher in the Autonomous Learning Group at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tuebingen.

Cycling, running, trekking, mountaineering enthusiast.

My primary research interest is in machine learning (ML) for robotics. More concretely, I am interested in studying how to enable robots to explore environments efficiently and autonomously. Similar to how infants and young children interact with the environment during free play to build intuitive theories about the physical world, we can equip robots with an intrinsic motivation to conduct experiments that challenge their current beliefs about the world. For instance, by using a mental model of the environment, a robot can actively steer its exploration toward observations that maximize information gain and allow it to update its internal model to make better future predictions. My research focuses primarily on model-based and model-free reinforcement learning (RL). In the past, I worked with legged robots (Solo8, Solo12, Bolt Humanoid, Poppy, Boston Dynamics' Spot) and manipulators (Trifinger Platform).
Currently, I also work on the Polybot project as a postdoctoral researcher. The project aims to build a small and flexible robot for sustainable agriculture.

I obtained a master's degree in physics from the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, working on a plausible biological model of visual attention in the early stages of the visual cortex at the Frankfurt Institute for advanced studies (FIAS). Later, I obtained a master's degree in computer science, working on zero-shot construction of new object categories in convolution neural networks for image classification. This work was also done at FIAS. Afterward, I went to Tübingen to the Max-Plack Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS), where I did my Ph.D. in computer science, working on RL for robotics. Currently, I'm a postdoc at the MPI-IS in the Autonomous Learning group and as part of the Polybot project.
2023 - present

Reinforcement Learning for Robotics / Robotics for Sustainable Agriculture

Postdoctoral Researcher

Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Autonomous Learning Group / Robust Machine Learning Group)


Nature-Inspired Inductive Biases in Learning Robots

PhD Research

Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems (Autonomous Learning Group)


Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Object Recognition: Few-Shot Learning of New Categories

Graduate Research

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (Burwick Lab)


Attentional Selection and Suppression Mechanism in an Oscillatory Neural Network Model

Graduate Research

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (Burwick Lab)


Plasma Confinement of the Weibel Type

Undergraduate Research

Goethe University (Institute for Applied Physics)


N. Gürtler and S. Blaes and P. Kolev and F. Widmaier and M. Wüthrich and S. Bauer and B. Schölkopf and G. Martius , Benchmarking Offline Reinforcement Learning on Real-Robot Hardware , International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)

C. Li and S. Blaes and P. Kolev and M. Vlastelica and J. Frey and G. Martius , Versatile Skill Control via Self-supervised Adversarial Imitation of Unlabeled Mixed Motions , IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)


S. Blaes , Nature-Inspired Inductive Biases in Learning Robots , Universität Tübingen , PhD Thesis

C. Li and M. Vlastelica and S. Blaes and J. Frey and F. Grimminger and G, Martius , Learning Agile Skills via Adversarial Imitation of Rough Partial Demonstrations , Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) , Best Paper Award Finalist

C. Sancaktar and S. Blaes and G. Martius , Curious Exploration via Structured World Models Yields Zero-Shot Object Manipulation , Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)


M. Vlastelica* and S. Blaes* and C. Pinneri and G. Martius , Risk-Averse Zero-Order Trajectory Optimization , Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) , *equal contribution

C. Pinneri* and S. Sawant* and S. Blaes and G. Martius , Extracting Strong Policies for Robotics Tasks from Zero-order Trajectory Optimizers , International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) , *equal contribution


C. Pinneri and S. Sawant and S. Blaes and J. Achterhold and J. Stückler and M. Rolinek and G. Martius , Sample-efficient Cross-Entropy Method for Real-time Planning , Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)


S. Blaes and M. Vlastelica and J. Zhu and G. Martius , Control What You Can: Intrinsically Motivated Task-Planning Agent , Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)


S.Blaes and T.Burwick , Few-Shot Learning in Deep Networks through Global Prototyping , Neural Networks , 159-172


M.Mundt and S. Blaes and T. Burwick , Feature Binding in Deep Convolution Networks with Recurrences, Oscillations and Top-Down Modulated Dynamics , European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN)


C. Teske and Y. Liu and S. Blaes and J. Jacoby , Electron Density and Plasma Dynamics of a Spherical Theta Pinch , Physics of Plamsas

2017 - 2022

PhD in Computer Science

Tübingen University / Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, GER


  • Seminar: AI, Science, Society, Responsibility
  • Machine Learning: Algorithms and Theory
  • Probabilistic Inference
2013 - 2017

MSc in Computer Science

Goethe University / Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Frankfurt, GER


  • Approximation Algorithms
  • Semantics and Analysis of Functional Programming Languages
  • Operating Systems
  • Theoretical Computer Science
2012 - 2015

MSc in Physics

Goethe University / Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Frankfurt, GER


  • Theoretical Neuroscience
  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Quantum Computing and Information Theory
  • Machine Learning
  • Electronics and Sensors
  • Digital Electronics
2008 - 2012

BSc in Physics

Goethe University / Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Frankfurt, GER


  • Brain Dynamics: From Neuron to Cortex
  • Plasma Physics
  • Visual Systems: Principles of Attention
Honors, Awards, Scholarships
  • Scholar of the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Intelligent Systems (IS)
workshop / competition organization
  • Co-organizer of the Real Robot Challenge III @NeurIPS (2022)
  • Tübingen Robust Learning Symposium (2020)
  • Workshop on Machine Learning at Leipzig University, GER (2018)
teaching assistant
  • Reinforcement Learning (University Tuebingen, 2018, 2020/2021)
  • Introduction to Programming I (C++) (Goethe University, 2014 - 2016)
  • Introduction to Programming II (Functional Programming, Databases) (Goethe University, 2014 - 2016)
  • Theoretical Computer Science I (Algorithm Engineering and Analysis) (Goethe University, 2014 - 2016
lab instructor
  • Lab Experiments: Electricity and Magnetism
it assistant
  • Wachendorf Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG
  • Transylvanian Machine Learning Summer School (TMLSS) (2018)
  • Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Summer School by Vector Institute (2018)